Fenzi Dog Sport Academy Camp

June 19-22 was Fenzi Dog Sport Camp (www.fenzidogsportsacademy.com) at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, MO. I attended in a working spot with Taylor, Strudel (the aussie), her three puppies and Lexi. Since Taylor was pregnant she participated in labs on heeling and reinforcement specific markers (all requiring only flat work). Strudel was involved in the agility labs on distance, collection and tight turns as well as a private lesson with Loretta Mueller. Lexi participated in obedience games and had a private session with Amy Cook. Even baby Lava (12.5 weeks) participated in a Tricks workshop led by Deb Jones.

In the evenings we had social events, puppy playtime at the RV and one night there was even dock diving. The aussie puppies participated in the dock diving while the older dogs rested up from their busy days.

I have to say this camp is one of my favorite dog events I do all year. The atmosphere is amazing. Everyone is encouraging, they are respectful of dogs and handler teams and give you space walking, the instructors meet you where you are in your journey and help you see where you can be. Training is all positive and some of the highest quality I have ever seen. Handlers are aware of their dogs and what they need to be successful. Nobody pushes their dog to do something they aren’t prepared for and the auditors are ready to cheer you along as you work. No matter what level of training you have experienced you will come away with rejuvenated goals and drive to train your dog. The energy is just simply amazing. Next year camp is in Oregon and I am trying to figure out how to get there from VA! 2018 will be back on the East Coast – YAY!

I am so very pleased with all the dogs I took. Taylor who is always my willing partner worked and gave great effort even though she was blimp sized. That girl loves to heel and work! We had such fun with Hannah in our heeling lab. Strudel showed me that if I can be an even better handler for her she can be an agility star. We learned about handling the line and giving clear body signals and of course pointing our ‘parts’ the right way! Lexi worked in a group class on obedience games. She had great mommy focus and worked wonderfully on her recalls, setups and spin/twist while heeling. This was her first camp and I was proud of her showing off her ‘skills’. Little Lava participated in tricks where we started shaping a ‘wave’ trick. Carmine and Merlot also came in the building and practiced walking around the venue and being in the crate. All three pups practiced laying on the mat and being settled. They met lots of new humans and observed a variety of dog breeds.

I enjoyed time with my FDSA buddies and talking dog training for 3.5 days. I can’t wait until I can attend another camp! I highly recommend FDSA classes to any of my puppy homes and all my friends. It is truly a great way to learn dog training no matter where you are located!


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